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Gary Zukav
Self-Empowerment Guru

Gary Zukav is the best selling author of The Seat of the Soul, and is well known through his regular appearances on Oprah Winfrey's TV show.

He grew up in Kansas, is a Harvard graduate, a Special Forces (Green Beret) Vietnam Veteran, recovering person, and spiritual wayfarer. He is the best-selling author of The Dancing Wu Li Masters: An Overview of the New Physics, winner of The American Book Award for Science in 1979, The Seat of the Soul, a number-one best seller, and most recently the critically acclaimed Soul Stories. It has become the bible for those who are interested in learning about quantum physics, but who are not drawn to mathematics or science.

The Dancing Wu Li Masters was his first gift to Life. In 1989 he wrote The Seat of the Soul, a US National Best Seller about evolution and the soul. Together they have sold two and a half million copies, and been translated into sixteen languages.

Zukav questions the Western model of the soul, alleging that the human species is in the midst of a great transformation, evolving from a species that pursues power based upon the perceptions of the five senses--"external power"--to one that pursues power based upon perceptions of the soul--"authentic power." He believes that humans are immortal souls first, physical beings second, and that once we become conscious of this transformation--once we align our personalities with our soul--we will stimulate our spiritual growth and become better people in the process. This insightful, lucid synthesis of modern psychology and new-age principles has been described as the "physics of the soul."

Gary's gentle humor, sensitivity, and deep insights have endeared him to millions of readers and listeners. His spiritual partner is Linda Francis. They lecture internationally, and live in northern California.

"For the last ten years I felt that the best contribution that I could make to the world that is being born is to live a conscious life, challenge and heal the frightened parts of myself, and be a good neighbor. I still do, but now I have also become very excited about cocreating," says Gary.

He is a member of numerous organizations and activities. Among them are the Club of Budapest, World Business Academy, Native American Earth Ambassadors, CoCreate with the Earth Foundation, EarthSave, and the Intuition Network. He has also been on the advisory board for Earth Day 1990, the chair of the Government and Politics Strategy Group for the Campaign for the Earth.

Gary says his journey from an angry man with no regard for Life to who he is now has been long, often difficult, joyful, and extremely rewarding. It has shown him that anyone can make the same kind of journey in his or her own way.

Here are some excerpts from Gary's best-selling books:

The Seat of the Soul

Soul Stories

The Dancing Wu Li Masters: An Overview of the New Physics

The following books may be ordered using a Credit/Debit Card via our association with Amazon.com. When you click on one of the following links a new window will open with details of the book. It is recommended that you click the "Add to Cart" button right away. The book can always be removed from your cart later on if you change your mind. You can then close the window and continue browsing. When you are finished shopping, just click the "Checkout" link at top right of your screen to complete your order.
The Seat of the Soul
Soul Stories
The Dancing Wu Li Masters
Thoughts from the Seat of the Soul
The Heart of the Soul : Emotional Awareness
The Mind of the Soul: Responsible Choice
Authentic Power (Audio Cassette)
Igniting Your Soul Life (Audio Cassette)
The Seat of the Soul (Audio CD)
The Dancing Wu Li Masters (Audio Cassette)
Authentic Power: Aligning Personality With Soul
Thoughts from the Heart of the Soul : Meditations on Emotional Awareness
Self-Empowerment Journal : A Companion to The Mind of the Soul: Responsible Choice

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